University of Arizona

Information for Members

Here, you’ll find important information, such as schedules, policies, and contact information for Section Leaders.


The Section Leader serves as a liaison between the conductor, the assistant conductor, and choir members. In addition, Section Leaders help track rehearsal and concert attendance, answer questions, address problems of music, and provide markings for members who have missed rehearsals. Call or e-mail your Section Leader to alert him or her if you will be absent from a rehearsal as soon as possible.


  • Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7-9:30 p.m.
  • Rehearsals are in the Fred Fox School of Music, Room 146, located at 1017 N. Olive Road on the UA Campus.
  • Dress rehearsal in the School of Music, Crowder Hall, date and time TBA.
  • Concert in the School of Music, Crowder Hall, in May.
  • Schedule subject to change at the discretion of Prof. Nicky Manlove.


Spring 2023 Important Dates:
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Spring Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Spring Concert: Sunday, April 23, 2023

We hope to welcome new and returning members this semester with a variety of musical opportunities that ensure your safety and continue to build and support the community in and around Tucson.  Be sure to check out our Facebook page for more up-to-date information and repertoire teasers for the upcoming season.

Music Building